Thursday, December 30, 2010

Forgotten Music: The Lone Teen Ranger and other hits by Jerry Landis (aka Paul Simon)

Yeah, it's true. Before Simon teamed up with Garfunkel, one of the names he recorded under was Jerry Landis. Here are a few of Jerry's least forgettable tunes. There's a lot more of this stuff on YouTube, most of it less snappy. "I Want to Know All About You" made the cut only because it mentions mystery novels and TV westerns.


  1. Once upon a time I had a Tom and Jerry album, before they morphed into Simon and Garfunkle.

  2. Oh my. I may have heard "Tick Tok" before, the rest are new to me, and I doubt I'd seek them out - or any others - again. I'll take "I Am A Rock" to any of these.

  3. What? You don't think "The Lone Teen Ranger" is a classic?

  4. I've been a Paul Simon fan for years-never knew he did anything this bad.

  5. Tsk. Another Lone Teen Ranger basher. Sacrilege.

  6. I can certainly see him developing his craft here...but I don't think I'd seek out the ones you didn't opt to post.
