Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yancy Derringer: Hell and High Water

Concluding our 3-day tribute to Richard Sale, here's a complete episode of Yancy Derringer from 1959, courtesy of YouTuber matthias1949. Sale not only created and produced the show (with his wife Mary Loos), he directed this episode and wrote the script. This one takes place as a flood threatens New Orleans (why does that sound familiar?). Jock Mahoney stars as Yancy, butting heads with guest star Charles Bronson.  


  1. Why isn't this great show on DVD. Remember it fondly from childhood.

  2. Tough guy: Charlie Bronson

    Tougher guy: Jocko Mahoney

  3. I guess Jocko had to be tough to wear that shirt - and those spandex pants. He looks like he belongs on Dancing With the Stars.

  4. Yes, this show needs to make the DVD leap.
