Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Texas Monthly Pulls a Boner

In a stunning move, Texas Monthly has announced the six winners of its "Bucket List" Cover Contest, snubbing this entry featuring one of the state's most noble sons, about whom it has been said, "By Hercules! The man is greater than Caesar or Cromwell - nay, nearly the equal to Odin or Thor! The Texans ought to build him an altar!"*

Needless to say, I'm disgusted. If I had a subscription, I'd let it lapse.
*from Ed Gorman's stirring introduction to the still-unpublished blog-o-book, Once Again, Texas Leads the Way.


  1. Looks like a very very weird space helmet

  2. It's actually a Conan helmet, Deka. Have you read Robert E. Howard? You should.

  3. I think the question to be answered is: "Why is this man smiling?"
