Thursday, June 3, 2010

Let the Spinetingling Begin

The Almanack extends congrats to Portland writer Kassandra Kelly, whose fine new story "The Red Tent" is now featured in Spinetingler Magazine. Check it out! Kassandra and I are charter members of one of the city's premier critique groups, and I've had the pleasure of reading her stuff before the rest of the world gets a peek at it. She blogs (now and then) at Madison, After.

More stories for Kassandra Kelly fans:
Sniplits: The Blesser
On the Premises: The Moon Dreams of Water
Reflection's Edge: Nine- or Ten-Foot Angels
Madison, After: Beadie and the Blesser
clonepod: The Cat, The Desert and Lucky .003
The Future Fire: The Cat, The Desert and Lucky .003


  1. Two gentlemen of discriminating taste.

  2. Thanks, Evan. We do have an amazing group. Small in number but elite. I've been working on a grant application for my day job all week, and I've barely had time to enjoy my Spinetingler tingling. Whoo!

  3. Great story. Glad to see Spinetingler knew what they had and put it on the front page!
