Monday, March 7, 2011

How I Came to Write THAT Story

Patti Abbott has done me the honor of posting a HOW I CAME TO WRITE THIS STORY entry on "Skyler Hobbs and the Rabbit Man." It appears today on pattinase, and reveals far more than you'll ever want to know about the genesis of that tale. The three folks pictured above all play vital roles. Who are they? Pop over to pattinase and find out!


  1. That was a great read, Evan. Thanks for sharing. Left a comment over there!

  2. Great ! ;D is like a making of. Book version.

  3. that may be the least sleazy I've ever seen ol' Cap'n Bob...

    loved the piece on Patti's site.

  4. T'aint me, McGee. I still look as sleazy as ever.

  5. Nice little essay. I left a comment on Patti's site
