Monday, March 28, 2011

Neckties for Knuckleheads

Another in our series of neckties to die for (or from). More HERE.


  1. What a way to wake up a Monday! Your collection of neckties is amazing.

  2. I'm curious as to where you found most of this fascinating neckware.

  3. I wish I had these back in catholic school

  4. I said in the last necktie post that you were scaring me. This time I'm beyond scared, I'm on the verge of run screaming.

    But then I don't like the Three Stooges, Laurel & Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, Dead End Kids, Little Rascals, and can take only the tiniest dose of The Marx Brothers (who at least had some witty dialogue!).

    So, do I like ANY comedy? Well, yeah, The Smothers Brothers Brothers, Jack Benny, Shelly Berman, Bill Cosby. You get the idea.

  5. I have to admit that Heckle and Jekyll and King Kong would be my selections, but what suit or jacket would I wear either with?

  6. Well.
    Some of these ties I found on eBay. Some, like the Beatles, I bought in a fancy department store. I probably got these Stooges ties from the Soitenly Stooges catalog. They're now online at I don't see the ties among their current wares, but they do offer a fine pair of boxer shorts (I'll bet Cap'n Bob has a pair).

    Not like the Stooges, the Marx Brothers or those other geniuses? Sacrilege. I guess we can't all be Knuckleheads.

    I'll admit, Oscar, a suit jacket could be a problem. I just wore 'em with dress shirts. For these two, the shirt was most likely black.

  7. Yes, sometimes it's a trial to be so sophisticated in my tastes...

  8. Do I like these? Soitenly! I have a Stooges belt buckle, coffee cup (even though I don't drink coffee), T-shirt, video tapes, and books, but no skivvies.

    All I can say to Rick is, "Pick two."

  9. Several years ago I came across The Three Stooges beer and I bought a case. I still have the empty box and a six pack that I never drank. I haven't seen the beer around lately, so I guess my unopened six pack is worth alot of money.

  10. I remember that beer. Wish I had some. I do have a bottle of Monty Python's Holy Ale, though, smuggled back from England.
