Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Spider Goes to the Movies: The Spider's Web (1938)


  1. I must watch this serial as soon i can. But i have a question: is this the one writed by L. Ron Hubbard?

  2. I forgot: call the master of Men "Robin Hood"... is not too correct i think.

  3. L. Ron Hubbard? A scary thought. Nope, far as I know he was not involved.

  4. I'm relieved, then. Scary is very little about the subject.

  5. This is fun, Evan. I love the visuals. The spider costume is just right for a crazed spider killer running amok. I love the old serials. I kind of remember watching a few in actual movie theaters so that gives you a clue as to my old age. Ha!

    NIOKA OF THE JUNGLE...that was one, I think. Oh, there were so many. I liked the western ones too.

    I always liked that the good guys and the bad always kept their hats on while they fought. :)

  6. I especially like seeing Ram Singh reading an issue of the magazine.

  7. I love the made for adults warning.
    I'm not aware of L. Ron Fatfraud writing any serials. His one movie credit I know about was a turkey called RETURN TO TREASURE ISLAND. I think they have it on continuous loop at the cult HQ in Los Angeles.
