Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Overlooked Films: THE THREE STOOGES in "Punch Drunks"

Here's one of my favorite Stooge shorts, from 1934. This one introduces the notion that hearing "Pop Goes the Weasel" makes Curley go berserk.

For more Overlooked (but less berserk) Films, check out Sweet Freedom!


  1. Particularly given the holiday, I'm not sure Less Berserk is completely in the cards. See Brian Arnold's selection alone.

  2. From what i know, the 3 Stoogesare a true classic... Good start for me with this ;)

  3. I have yet to find a woman who enjoys The Stooges. And that's fine because it's great to have something for us guys only.

  4. August West brings up an interesting comment about women not liking The Three Stooges. I've found this to be true also. Are there any women present who like The Stooges?

    I still have an unopened six pack of The Three Stooges beer, which I believe is no longer distributed. I bet I could get alot of money for it.

  5. One of my favorites, alone with UNCIVIL WARRIORS and DISORDER IN THE COURT. I see that the boys are credited with writing this one.

  6. Just never did get the Stooges. Used to watch my brother roll over with laughter with puzzlement. Do any girls like them?

  7. For guys, they were kind of Geez, I Wish! role models. It's how we'd like to behave, if we could get away with it.

  8. I spent the entire 7th grade acting like them, to the consternation of my teacher.

  9. Their take on the old "Slowly I turn" routine. And they used this more than once -- which was the one where the cure for Berserker Curley was feeding him cheese ("Moe, Larry cheese!")?

    Burnt toast and a rotten egg...I'm a victim of circumstance... Great stuff!

    Art Scott
