Monday, June 2, 2014

Cap Gun Monday: ROY ROGERS Shoot'n Iron

Back in the '50s, when The Roy Rogers Show was riding the airwaves, several companies made guns bearing Roy's brand and signature. This is one of several variations from the George Schmidt company. I have nearly identical guns bearing the names Davy Crockett and Alan Ladd. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice. How about a Dale Evans or Gabby Hayes version? If they exist I'm sure you have them.

  3. Roy was such a mega star. From cap guns to burgers!

  4. I remember that one. Slap a roll of caps in that baby and shoot forever just like Roy. It was a humdinger but lost somewhere back there. It was likely tossed out by my dad who had a penchant for cleaning out the closets every 5 years or so. The boy's childhood is over, out this goes. Sad but true.

  5. Yep, my mother donated my arsenal to the Salvation Army, and I didn't start restocking it until my second (or was it my third?) childhood.
