Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Overlooked Audio: Pulp-Pourri Theatre presents "By Order of Buck Brady" by W.C. Tuttle

It's no secret I'm a fan of W.C. Tuttle (you'll find a couple of book reviews HERE). So I'm pleased to recommend this dramatization of a Tuttle story by Pete Lutz and his pals at The Narada Radio Company. 

"By Order of Buck Brady," from the July 1, 1928 issue of issue of Adventure, begins with a familiar western set-up - two rival range crews coming to town in search of trouble. But Sheriff Buck Brady, like most Tuttle heroes, moves the story in a surprising direction.

The Narada folks do a fine job on this one, and it's presented like a real radio show, complete with tongue-in-cheek commercials. "By Order of Buck Brady," is the third of eight (so far) episodes of Pulp-Pourri Theatre, and you can listen to it - or download it - for free HERE

The complete list of Pulp-Pourri shows, representing a variety of pulp genres, is HERE. Producer-Director Pete Lutz recommends starting with "Buck Brady" and moving forward (due to improved sound quality) before circling back to the first two. That's what I'll be doing.