Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Overlooked Films: Roy Rogers and Dale Evans on the Perry Como Show (1956)


  1. Happy Trails always brings a tear to the eyes. It was fun to watch. Thanks.

  2. Loved Roy when I was a little kid but find his films and tv shows unwatchably bad now. And Perry Como-ugh. talk about the bland 50's.

  3. There is a Happy Trails retirement community here in the Phoenix area originally started by Roy and Dale, but is now being run by someone else, of course. Trigger always plays the good part.

  4. My sister lives at that joint. It's a mobilehome park with street names like Buttermilk and Nellybelle. Too bad stuffed Trigger didn't get to retire there.

  5. I really enjoyed the trip down Memory Lane. I didn't know your sister lived at the Happy Trails community. I wonder if she still has the toilet radio you bought her for Christmas.
