Monday, September 7, 2015

Black Dog Gallery: The TALBOT MUNDY Library


  1. I thought I had some Blak Dog Mundy books, but none of these.

  2. Haven't read these and probably won't get around to 'em.

  3. I've read "In a Righteous Cause." Damn good stuff. And though these stories and essays were written over a hundred years ago, the style still seems fresh and conversational.

  4. I used to read a lot of adventure and lost-race stuff, starting at about age nine when I'd purloin the library books my Dad had brought home. I always liked H. Rider Haggard the most (does anyone read him much any more?), but also read a bunch of Talbot Mundy a little later, the paperbacks commonly available back in the 60s, and really liked him a lot.

    I've not heard of these titles, so thanks for mentioning them.
