Sunday, November 8, 2015

Moments in Paperback History: LanceCon '86 (Part 1)

Art Scott took so many photos at the 1986 LanceCon (as always, here in Portland) that I'm splitting them into two posts. Above: Larry Paschelke, Lance himself and Greg Phillips.

Cap'n Bob's shirt. He might be in the picture, too, but I can't tell. I'm blinded.

Dick Wald (right) caters to some of the California gang.

Dale Goble doesn't just collect paperbacks, he reads them. Weird.

Bruce Taylor and Paul Palmer.

Larry does his James Dean impression.

Half of Bob Stewart, with three others you know.

Me doing my Duck Dynasty impression.

One of many weighty discussions.

"Hey meester. Wanta buy a feelthy book?"

Misters Napier and Goble lurking in the shadows.


  1. Oh, for a time machine and a chance at grabbing all those books.

  2. Great photos and it's shame that Lance died an early death. Back in 1986 I felt that the original paperbacks would someday be worth some real money. But except for a few titles, it never happened. Sure Jim Thompson and JUNKIE still bring good prices but most other titles are worth like a buck or two at the pulp conventions.

  3. This is my first peek at ancient history - not bad, books, entertainment, and beer, but no bedlam.

  4. I'd forgotten about those shots of you in full beaver. Not a good look for you!
    I can't make out the book that Greg is holding up in 1st pic, not vintage, but probably a prop for the roast of somebody that evening. Roastee is lost in the mists of time, or my mists at least.
    Art Scott

  5. I still have that awful shirt. I think I bought it in Portland just before the con for laughs. I've probably worn it three times since.


  6. "Me doing my Duck Dynasty impression."

    The Smith Bros called. They want their beard back.

  7. Fantastic photographs. Thanks for sharing.
