Sunday, February 4, 2018

BILL CRIDER goes to BOUCHERCON Part 6 (2000-01)

Photos courtesy of Arthur Scott Photography
(Also available for Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, Etc.
Special discount for Burlesque Shows)

2000 - Denver

with Steve Stilwell

"The Good Old Stuff: Forgotten Paperback Writers from the 1950s" with R. John Hayes, Jan Burke, Gary Warren Niebuhr and Marv Lachman

with Gary Warren Niebuhr and Steve Steinbock

with Leslie and Kevin Dunn

with Judy and Jeff Smith

with Ted Hertel

with a flock of Bruce Taylor fans

with Judy

2001 - Washington D.C.

with Jeff and Ann Smith and Judy

with Steve Stilwell

with Judy


  1. What happened to Monterey and Milwaukee?

  2. At least one of the following is true: A) I was just checking to see if you were paying attention. B) This blog was caught in a time warp. C) The capital of Swaziland is Mbabane. D) I screwed the pooch.

  3. I would blame The Mole People and move on.
