Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Art of Nero Wolfe: And Be A Villain

Archie is offscreen here but we have another fine image of Wolfe. Bantam did not credit the artist for this one, but they provide this info...

     Wolfe shrugged. His eyes moved. "She's capable of anything. Look in her bag."
     I made a move but she gave me the full force of her eyes. "Don't touch me."
     I brought the hand back. Her eyes went to Wolfe . . .


  1. LOVE it. Like your new header too. I still can't figure out how to be creative like that.

  2. Thanks Laurie. The header is temporary. I've scanned a 12-page pulp story and will post the pics to see how they work. Enlarged, they should be just as readable as the magazine.

  3. I'm very proud to say I'm currently in the birth home of Nero Wolfe. And I hope to have pics over the coming weeks.

    Great post.

  4. You're in Montenegro? Or the house where Stout created Wolfe? Either way, I'll look forward to those pictures.
