Thursday, December 24, 2009

"Christmas Dragnet" by Stan Freberg & Daws Butler

This record, released in 1953, was a follow-up to the team's earlier Dragnet parody, "St. George and the Dragon-net". Freberg is Joe Wednesday, while Butler plays Frank Jones, Grudge and the brownie. Freberg, of course, made a career of comedy records and comedy advertising. Daws Butler is better known for his work in cartoons. Among the many characters he voiced were Quick Draw McGraw, Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, Elroy Jetson, and Snagglepuss.

"Christmas Dragnet" by Stan Freberg with Daws Butler


  1. I like his Green Christmas, still relevant after all these years.

  2. Both of these are on Dr. Demento's Greatest Christmas Novelty CD of All Time -- vital holiday listening in my household.

    "Some people call 'em green onions, but they're really scallions" -- hilarious and educational! :)
