Saturday, February 13, 2010

Chinaman's Chance: A Lost Story by Paul Cain


"Chinaman's Chance" appeared in the Sept. 1935 issue of Black Mask. As far as I know, it is one of only five Paul Cain stories that have never been reprinted. Three of the others were also in Black Mask, while the fourth, "555" (mentioned in yesterday's review of Fast One), was in the December 14, 1935 issue of Detective Fiction Weekly.

I have both "Chinaman's Chance" and "555" and would be pleased to share them with readers of the Almanack. For one reason or another I won't be posting the stories on the blog, but if you'd like copies of the scans via email, just shoot me a message at

(click to enlarge)


  1. The lead page got me hooked. Send it on, please!

  2. Me too. Unfortunately the offensive material I think you're alluding to was all over the place back then and you have to cope with that, but I'd like to read it anyway.
