Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's a CONTEST! Win a BOOK!

(click to enlarge)

Ever wonder what Cap'n Bob Napier* was doing in 1969? Well, wonder no more. This is what he was up to - the first and only issue of the legendary fanzine Comickazi. In coming days (of them being tomorrow) we'll present reprints of a couple of the zine's best articles. But to kick it off, we're having a contest.

 HERE'S THE DEAL: Bob and I have identified more than twenty real or fictional characters on this fine cover by his late Comickazi co-conspirator Bob Juanillo. How many can you name? Please email your entries to We'll accept entries until tomorrow (Thursday) at midnight Pacific Time. The winner will be determined by me and Cap'n Bob. In case of a tie, the prize will go to the person with the earliest email. Please do not post guesses in comments!

THE TRICKY PARTS: There's one guy we know has a name, we just can't remember it - he's worth two points. There's one clearly in the style of a particular comic strip, but may not represent any official character - in that case the name of the strip will do. There's another guy we think is probably somebody, but we're not sure who (another 2-pointer). There's one that may not be a face at all, but we're curious if anyone else thinks they see him. And there are six others we suspect are just random faces, but we're willing to be proven wrong.

THE PRIZE: Well, how about this near-Fine copy of The Adventure of The Peerless Peer by Philip Jose Farmer? Not interested? No problem. We'll find something you like better.

Come back tomorrow for a comedy blast from the Comickazi past - "Konan the Hockeypuck".

*Cap'n Bob, as if you didn't know, is the author of the Jack Lorentz mystery series from Five Star. The first in the series, Love, Death and the Toyman, is sold out, but available on the collector's market or in a Kindle edition from Amazon. Book two, The Toyman Rides Again, is due out next month, and now available for pre-order.


  1. Nice cover. What else did this guy draw?

  2. Bob Juanillo died young, sad to say, so his body of work is limited. A google search will show a few of his pieces.
