Thursday, March 11, 2010

Classics Illustrated: The Three Musketeers & Twenty Years After

Some years back Owlhoot Dale Goble sent me a CD full of Classics Illustrated covers.  Every time I come across it I get hooked into clicking through all the great art. Here's a look at just a couple of titles. Thanks again Gobe!


  1. I love that name, Evan. Who is Owlhoot Dave Goble? Great handle for a Western hero.

  2. Howdy, Joe. Great to hear from you again. Owlhoot Dale Goble, like our newest recruits Owlhoot Laurie Powers and Owlhoot Rich Prosch (and old hands like Owlhoot Bob Napier and Owlhoot James Reasoner) are members of the western apa OWLHOOT. We'd be honored to have you join us. I last described it here:

  3. Thanks Evan. I just read about the Owlhoots and I'd be honored to join the group if you'll have me. I figure even I can come up with something original four times a year.
    Currently I'm chipping away at my new novel, THE LAST MANHUNT, and, as my wife will tell you, I'm as crazy as a loon. Maybe it's one of my characters, The Gravedigger, who's driving me crazy, though Emily says I'm just mega weird.

  4. Great news, Joe! If you'll email me your address (I'm at, I'll get Ramrod Cap'n Bob to send you a sample mailing
