Sunday, July 25, 2010

Zoo Mysteries Week on the Almanack

Portland author Ann Littlewood is now celebrating the release of her second Zoo Mystery, Did Not Survive, from Poisoned Pen Press, and to join in the festivities, we'll be devoting the next few days to her work. Ann is a former zookeeper, and her interest in animals has never waned. Here are a few photos she's taken (and had taken of her) in her travels. You'll find many more on her website,, and on her BLOG.

Tomorrow: A review of her first novel, Night Kill
Tuesday: A review of the brand new Did Not Survive
Wednesday & Thursday: A visit with Ann herself


  1. The zoos today really do such a good job with the animals. Not like the old days. Great pics.

  2. If an animal is hurt (excluding reptiles and fish) I won't read the book. There are exceptions, but they are few and far between.

  3. No critters are harmed in these mysterious, but I can't say the same for humans.

  4. Richard--No humans deliberately harm animals in my books (although the reverse does happen now and then). But animals do get old and sick just as people do, as our dogs and cats do, and I don't dodge that. Mostly, though, if you like animals, I think you might enjoy a mystery with lots of them. Give it a try and let me know!

  5. Zoo Mysteries Week--great idea. Love the photos, which make me want to go to the zoo. Can't wait to read Did Not Survive.

  6. I haven't read Did Not Survive yet, but I think Night Kill would make a dandy movie.
