Monday, October 25, 2010

Skyler Hobbs and the NaNoWriMo Monster

That's right gang, it's dang near NaNoWriMo time again, and I'm joining in. This time I'm going to do what I should have done last year - write a Skyler Hobbs novel. I spent last week hatching a plot, and this week I'll be hammering it into a 4-act outline. On November 1 I start pounding the keys.

Questions about National Novel Writing Month? Visit the official NaNoWriMo website HERE. The official goal, you may recall, is to turn out a 50,000 word manuscript at the end of the month. I'm doing it a little different this year. I figure the Skyler Hobbs saga should run about 80,0000 words, so I'll be shooting to bang out 60,000 during November, then spend another week or two pushing through to the end.

Anyone else planning to play?


  1. I know NaNoWriMo. And i think the shield lacks the two Gods of Monthly Wordcount: Norvell Page and Lester Dent. For them 50.000 words in a month was nothing.

    I can hear: "Mom, where is Norvell?" "Follow the sound of typing"

  2. I have considered it this year. I'm giving it some more thought, but it just might happen.

  3. Wow! I guess we'll be seeing little of you over November.

  4. Good luck. I like their shield quite a lot.

  5. I'm still working on the novel I wrote for last year's NaNoWriMo! Almost done editing after a major face lift, and it's going very well.

  6. How many words are you aiming to put into the finished product?

    Sounds like you'll be pretty busy when we arrive, so just leave the keys to the pickup under the mat...

  7. I'll probably just be writing checks...

  8. The truck and I will be available, Rick. I'm going to write this sucker (80,000 words) and attend to real life too.

  9. Is the crime committed onto some poor guy who is packing lots of boxes of books?
