Monday, February 21, 2011

The Spider: Pulp to Paperback - Satan's Death Blast




  1. This time is hard to me. But... The paperback cover is too lighthearted. Why not put him a mask like the one he wears in the original pulpcover?

    I know what is said always: His looks is not the same: the fangs and all that. But the second cover...

    Is a well done done picture. But looks a playboy with a gun and not the most ruthless vigilante.

  2. It's true. He'd look better with a mask. But as alluded to by Deka, he rarely wears a mask in the stories, and on those rare occasions, it is not a little Lone Ranger/opera-style mask as shown on most of the pulp covers. Actually, Richard Wentworth does sometimes go into action with no disguise at all.

  3. I've read this one in facsimilie form. Pretty good. Great action in these stories.

  4. Indeed charles. Several times i find myself panting while reading. To write with a sense of action so vivd is an art reache donly by a few.

  5. Really, do those masks fool anyone?

  6. Only the most idiots of cocky elements of the underworld

  7. Boy, Bob, those masks fool me. I'd never know it was Wentworth with that on! Certainly not by his clothes, hair or anything. Plus, The Spider talks in a different voice. Sort of. There is plenty of action in them, I agree.
