Friday, April 1, 2011

UnForgotten Books: PULP ART by Robert Lesser

It's hard to forget this book, because every time I stop into a Borders or Barnes and Noble, it's there in the bargain books section, sometimes with a new cover. Originally published (I think) in 1997, it's a book that refuses to die.

And why should it? It's crammed with gorgeous cover paintings from all genres, with commentary by such folks as Jim Steranko, Forrest J. Ackerman, Sam Moskowitz, Darrell C. Richardson and James Van Hise (and many more).

My only complaint is, the book is only 182 pages long. I would have preferred more. Say, 1,820,000 or so. Geez, is that too much to ask?

Feast thine eyes . . .

Rafel de Sota

Allen Anderson

George Rozen

Edd Cartier

Walter Baumhofer

Links to more Forgotten (or UnForgotten) Coffee Table Books at pattinase


  1. Excellent choice for the coffee table salute. Isn't there at least one Earle Bergey shapely space girl in that book? There should be. I loved those covers on Startling Science Fiction.

  2. I like those Startling covers too, John. I'll post one soon.

  3. The man kicked in the face by the master of men... isn't a character from Detective Fiction Weekly? Satan or something, i believe. At least his look is similar.

    And yes, only 182 pages? Come on, at least 300!

  4. It is really hard to pass up books like this. The colors just jump off the page and the images are so compelling.

  5. This is a great book! Every home should have a copy of PULP ART.

  6. That guy does have the ears and hairline of Carroll John Daly's Satan Hall, Deka. But his schnoz looks more like the Mole Man's.

  7. Great covers and not without a touch of humor in most.

  8. Oh, I would swoon over this book. I love this artwork! What a great choice. The girl tied to the horse - priceless. :)

  9. Fantastic! I would love to own this book.

  10. A great choice! I have this one, somewhere, and it will see daylight when Phase II is completed. You may well be there.

  11. That weird hand with the thumb knife is certainly cool.
