Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Brief Review: Gahan Wilson - 50 Years of Playboy Cartoons

I read about this 3-volume boxed set on George Kelley's blog (thanks, George!), and had to see it for myself. I'll be reviewing it s-l-o-w-l-y.


  1. I know it's a standard joke that "I read Playboy for the articles," but Wilson's cartoon was always a highlight for me every month as long as I did buy it.

  2. Are the cartoons x-rated or just the centerfold? I don't think I have ever seen one.

  3. He did hundreds of cartoons for the mag, Patti, but only a few involve sex or smut. And wouldn't you know, I picked one of those.

  4. This 3-volume set is fun to go through slowly, Evan. And, if you bought it at the bargain price (with free shipping!) it's even more fun!

  5. My copy is sitting here with the shrink wrap still on it, but I'll get to it soon, I hope.

    Patti - I don't think I'd call any of the magazine X-rated, if that term means sexually explicit. There was nudity in the center fold and at least one other feature, something like Naked Cheerleaders of the NBA or some such, the rest was interviews, articles and fiction that, while it may have had more sexiness than you'd find in The New Yorker, wasn't as much as you'll often find in films these days, if that much. The cartoons were often, but not always, sexy but never of the XX rated film variety. Wilson's were especially about his own unique brand of humor, not unlike that of Charles Addams.

  6. Just read the first volume, remembered darn near every one of them.
