Friday, August 17, 2012

Forgotten Stories: a complete DAFFY DILL mystery by Richard Sale

Here I go again, singing the praises of Richard Sale. But this time, I'm providing some show with the tell. Here's a tale featuring Sale's greatest creation, the erudite wise-guy reporter Daffy Dill, from the Sept. 17, 1941 issue of Detective Fiction Weekly.

Gotta warn you - Daffy is habit forming, but his adventures are hard to come by. Thanks to Monte Herridge, I know Sale wrote at least 58 Daffy stories, but I'm aware of only three that have been reprinted. I encourage you to seek out "A Nose for News" in The Hardboiled Dicks, "Double Trouble" in Hardboiled Dames and "Three Wise Men of Babylon" in The Black Lizard Big Book of Pulps. You'll find a fourth, "A Dirge for Pagliaccio," HERE.

Check out "Death on High Iron" to see why Daffy was one of Detective Fiction Weekly's most popular characters.

For the rest of my blathering about Richard Sale, click HERE.

And the for the rest of the Friday's Forgotten Books lineup, visit pattinase.


  1. Thanks one more time ;) You showed me Detective pulp stories and wordsmiths i didn't knew and that's a good thing ;)

  2. Another one! Wow. Any chance of getting it emailed?

  3. Your email version is on the way, Mr. R.

  4. The story reminds me of the Dragnet series on TV with Jack Webb. Enjoyed reading it.

  5. I finally got around to reading another Race Williams (after seeing Carroll John Daly mentioned on your blog) and now I'll have to track down some Richard Sale. Keep up the good work!

  6. Aside from more Daffy Dill, George, I'd recommend LAZARUS #7 and PASSING STRANGE.

  7. Thanks for the post about Daffy Dill, one of my favorite pulp series. I just finished an article about the Daffy Dill series for the PEAPS members. Eventually I will see about releasing it elsewhere. I read over 50 stories in the series for the article, which also presents short descriptions of many of the stories.

  8. Ack! You let Davy Crockett's birthday go by unheralded. Can I have another look at your credentials, Mr. Lewis?

  9. Davy's sensitive about his age, so I was trying to keep it quiet.

  10. I enjoyed the hell out of that, Dave. Thanks for taking the time and posting.
