Saturday, November 3, 2012

President Savage or President Shadow? HELP! I can't decide!

Which would you choose?


  1. The Shadow. We have a Man of Bronze in the White House now, don't we?

  2. No contest. I never much saw the point of Doc Savage. Maybe it's the noir in me, but I much prefer The Shadow.

  3. Amd the third option? Hmm maybe dr. Herbert West. For re-animate the USA!

  4. Hm. The Shadow would be tougher on Foreign Policy, but Doc could use his Mayan gold mine to erase the National Debt.

  5. The Shadow used to scare the Hell out of me on the radio when I was growing up, maybe he will do it as President.

  6. Good, and of course, important question ;)

    After much pondering I would go with Doc.

    Lamont C. would get stuff done, of course-- no bi-partisanship under those twin automatic .45s!-- but I went with Clark Savage Jr. just cuz I would love to see Doc's aides in Cabinet positions... particularly Monk as Secretary Of State. Let's see how today's complex "international theater" would handle that!

  7. Doc -- because no finer man ever drew breath.

  8. I like Albie's idea of Doc's aides on the Cabinet. And he could make The Shadow a One-Man Supreme Court and Attorney General combined.

  9. I'm voting for The Shadow! Maybe his ability to see what evil lurks in the minds of men will help him deal with the GOP side of Congress.

  10. Good thing the Shadow can't see what evil lurks in the minds of women. Between Pelosi, Feinstein, and Hitlery he'd go mad.
