Tuesday, July 30, 2013

St. George and the Dragonet (from the record by Stan Freberg)

Stan Freberg's record "St. George and the Dragonet" was a number one hit in 1953, and he followed later that year with "Christmas Dragnet" (aka "Yulenet").


  1. I enjoyed Freberg way back when.

  2. Possibly the same people who did Gumby, but this looks more sophisticated, so my guess is the Rankin/Bass folks.

    That looks like one of the Freberg puppetry stills from TIME FOR BEANY, back in the Paramount Television Network days...

  3. Never seen this. Been a while, but I could still quote the next lines before they came up. Freberg, Daws Butler, June Foray & Hy Averback.

    Art Scott
