Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Overlooked Films: Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the Sailor (1936)

The Popeye of the Fleischer (and later Paramount) cartoons was far less interesting - and less adventurous - than the E.C. Segar character of the 1930s comic strips, but he had his moments. His supreme moment came in this 17-minute film from 1936. Fleischer pulled out all the stops on this one, applying glorious Technicolor, and introducing new techniques to produce 3D effects without glasses. Enjoy!

More Overlooked Films at SWEET FREEDOM.


  1. That's a good, clean copy. Always fun to see it.

  2. Hey, Cap'n. When are we going to see the return of The Cap'n's Blog, with its three+ decade backlog of book reviews?
