Monday, August 19, 2013

Paperback Gallery: THE SHADOW (Bantam 1969)


  1. Hi
    i love your blog because you are providing up to date information about the mystery which happen..Very nice to see that..Thanks for sharing..


  2. I admit I don't like the artwork here as much as other Shadow covers you've shown. Still always interesting to see old covers.

  3. I don't like him grinning like a maniac on the first one, but number 2 is pretty dang good. And this series reprinted the very best stories - the first ones.

  4. I had these paperbacks when I was twelve or thirteen, although I was more of a Doc Savage fan. I didn't really object to the Shadow looking like a homicidal maniac on the covers, since the stories portrayed him as a mysterious figure who terrified his enemies, and even his agents seemed unsure whether he was a hero or villain. Bantam's Doc Savage covers were striking, but some fans disliked that repulsive crew cut and widow's peak. With Doc, there was not supposed to be any ambivalence.
