Monday, October 14, 2013

Comic Gallery: The Birth of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1965)


  1. I remember buying these off the spinner rack like it was yesterday. Wonderful stuff.

  2. Wish my memory was that sharp. But these are the ones I bought off the spinner rack (at Rexall Drugs in Pasco, WA), and I've been toting them around ever since.

  3. I loved STRANGE TALES! And that's the Nick Fury I couldn't get enough of. Never been satisfied with Hollywood's version.

  4. Not my favorite SHIELD artist, (that would be Steranko) but the early stories were pretty darn good.

  5. I'll be posting some Steranko SHIELD covers soon.

  6. Or maybe I should say ALL the Steranko SHIELD covers.

  7. I wasn't a SHIELD fan as a kid, but I'm watching the ABC AGENTS OF SHIELD now. I might have to buy some of those MARVEL reprint collections.

  8. I find Marvel's Agents of SHIELD to be more like a police procedural than the original stories. And how is it that a SHIELD agent can fly a huge aircraft without a co-pilot? Last week's show was a cliche about a race to find an antidote. Bland.
