Friday, March 14, 2014

Forgotten Stories: MURDER EXTRA! by Raoul Whitfield - READ IT HERE!

Between 1926 and 1934, Raoul Whitfield supplied more stories (66 !) to the glory years of Black Mask than any other writer, contributed heavily to air war and air adventure magazines and saw eight novels published (five mysteries and three juveniles), plus a collection of boys' stories. 

"Murder Extra!" was one of only two tales appearing in Argosy, this one from March 7, 1931. In an author's profile appearing in this same issue (below), he claimed to have spent "almost a year" on the Pittsburgh Post, and he does seem to know what he's talking about. See for yourself . . .


  1. I've really enjoyed all the Raoul Whitfield works I've read. And now this dandy story! Thanks!

  2. Me, too, and I'm going to be reading this one right away.

  3. These pulp pages fit very nicely on the screen of an iPad, Mr. R.

  4. Hi.

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