Monday, April 21, 2014

Cap Gun Monday: HOPALONG CASSIDY Shootin' Iron

The George Schmidt Company made several styles of Hopalong Cassidy guns in the early '50s. This 9-inch beauty was also issued with white grips and black busts.


  1. Is this real gun??? I like white grips and black busts very much. This gun makes me to smile. Very funny gun. family lawyer fairfax

  2. I liked Hoppy in all black but my shootin' irons were forged in line with Roy and his two gun holster set. Get 'em Bullet...

  3. There were a ton of Roy Rogers guns. If I had 'em all I'd be a rich man. I'll be posting a couple some time soon.

  4. A thing of beauty. Who says the fifties weren't the best time to be a kid?

  5. Looks like it took a roll of caps. I had a friend with a cap gun that took one, he laid in in, closed the thing and got one "bang", then opened it up…

    I'm assuming the kids that had guns like this also had holsters for them, is that right?

  6. A weapon in proper working order would advance the roll of caps for rapid fire, which was often necessary when some other owlhoot was shooting at you.

    And yeah, unlike real cowboys, who mostly just tucked their guns into their pants or belts, we usually wore holsters, sometimes tied down to facilitate quick draws. Next week I'll post the gun and holster I won my neighborhood of the West with.

  7. I found a picture of an exquisite Hopalong Cassidy gun on FB but have no way of passing on that picture.
    It was posted by "Western Trails Stars of the Silver Screen" on FB today, April 26.
