Thursday, November 6, 2014

Knights of the Metropolitan Museum (Part 2)

I didn't catch the name of the original owner, but the sign said this was a rare example of a surviving set of matched armor for horse and rider. Surely that's what every well-dressed knight would aspire to. 

More Met knights HERE.


  1. Hey! That horse is posed not unlike some of the horses you've show in your toy soldiers displays! ~ Fleet Commander Johnson PWITCC retired

  2. I guess these are old English uniforms of steel?. A lot of weight there.

  3. According to the museum's audio tour, an average suit of armor weighed only about 55 pounds, allowing a strong man to move freely, and even pick himself up off the ground.

  4. But with all the extra weight--armor for horse and rider--they'd usually use large horses, like Clydesdales. Or so I've heard.
