Monday, June 8, 2015

Cap Gun Monday: HUBLEY White Scout Rifle

Dang near all the cap guns manufactured in the '50s and '60s (and before and since) were marketed to boys. But there were exceptions, and this is one of them. The boy's version of this 32' rifle was done in either dark brown plastic, or light brown with black highlights. Both are nice guns, but this white and black job, aimed at girls, is more dramatic.

The original Hubley Scout used a different mold, as we'll see in a future post. This newer edition came on the heels of the Hubley Rifleman (HERE), and is basically identical. The only differences are the smaller hand lever, the slightly different cap compartment, and the Rifleman-specific engraving. And, of course, Hubley didn't have to pay a licsensing fee. 

Lots more Cap Guns HERE

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