Saturday, June 27, 2015

Toy Soldier Saturday: MARX Presidents (Part 5 - The End)

This concludes our presentation of pint-sized plastic Chief Executives. The painted JFK marks the end of my collection, but Marx kept making them right up until Tricky Dick, around the time the company quit the toy soldier business. The last three photos here were borrowed from elsehwhere on the net. A Reagan figure exisits, but it was made before he was Prez, when, along with guys like Humphrey and Goldwater, he was considered an important politician. There were also a few First Lady figures, such as Eleanor R and Jackie K.

Deader Presidents are HERE.


  1. Ddoes Ike have an alternate pose? If so, I don't have it. My run stops at Nixon.

  2. Yeah, there's another Ike with his arms raised. I don't have it either.
