Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Overlooked TV: The Adventures of Sir Lancelot (1956)

Herewith we present the first episode of this British TV series from 1956. I have the whole shebang on DVD and have seen most of it. The acting is mostly bad, the stories are corny, the production is cheap and the wooden swords are painfully obvious, but it all has a certain charm. Where else can you see epic battles waged with armies of no more than five on a side?

More of this week's Overlooked Stuff HERE


  1. Thanks for posting this. I have a vague memory of it as one of the adventure shows that aired in reruns on Saturdays.

  2. Yup...from the same production company that did ROBIN HOOD, which was stripped weekdaily in the latter '70s in New Hampshire, and Ralph Smart directed this one, not too many years before moving onto DANGER MAN (or SECRET AGENT as it was packaged here).
