Thursday, September 10, 2015

Moments in Paperback History: LanceCon '85

Awhile back we looked in on Lance Casebeer's 1982 paperback party - aka LanceCon - (HERE) courtesy of cameraslinger Art Scott. Sadly, Art failed to attend in '83 & '84, so we have no photos, and you'll have to imagine what went on. I was there but my memory is dim, so I'll have to imagine it too. Here's a taste of '85:

Bill Trojan and DAPA-EM's Ellen Nehr.

Much ado about a paperback or two.

Cap'n Bob Napier, trencherman extraordinaire.

Paul Palmer (left) and Bob Stewart (right) enrapt by the auction.

Lance, Bill Blackbeard and a Dell ten-center.

Portland rock'n'roll legend Brian "Tough Jim" Trainer.

Lance with the usual gang of suspects.

Me with my finger up my nose. My T-shirt touts 
the short-lived USFL football team, the Portland Breakers.

Bruce Taylor, Bogie and friend.


  1. Uncredited is Sandi Lewis, looking away as you explore your sinuses, and you holding up the wall behind Bob Stewart. I wonder what I was eating that required such an alligator bite. Lastly, I had no memory of Ellen ever being at a Lancecon. These forays into the past are vastly enlightening.

  2. Great stuff. I wish I'd been to a Lancecon.

  3. Keep 'em coming. You should include that Lancecon "mapback" flyer you did with Belarski's Helen of Troy cast as Ellen Nehr.
    Art Scott

  4. My mapback flyer had Lance as Conan. If I can find a copy I'll run it with the same year's pics. I'm pretty sure Ellen wasn't on it.

  5. I lived with Lance for 3 years. Really quite an experience. I remember Lsnce being interviewed once, I wish I could get a copy of that. He was a great friend.
