Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Overlooked Films: Danny Glover in Raymond Chandler's RED WIND (1995)

Danny Glover got an Emmy nomination for his performace in this episode of Showtime's Fallen Angels

The story first appeared in this January 1938 issue of Dime, where Chandler got second billing to Carroll John Daly. Though the magazine detective was John Dalmas, Showtime followed the OTR, paperback and HBO tradition of pretedning he was Marlowe.

More Forgotten Stuff at Sweet Freedom


  1. Grandma's having a good time sewing.

  2. I think I know who owned this painting.

  3. Now all we need is a black Continental Op and Mike Hammer and Sam Spade, and hold the spade jokes, bunky.

  4. You have to force some people to floss.
