Thursday, March 16, 2017

AMAZING! ASTONISHING! WEIRD! The Complete Pulp Magazine Covers Vol. 2

Todd Frye, author of four earlier picture-packed books (Fantastic Planets: The Complete Pulp Magazine Covers Vol. 1, Passion and Peril: The Complete Men's Magazine Covers Vol. 1, I Was a Teenage Monster Magazine Fiend, and Collecting Vintage Men's Magazines) has released this new one, presenting complete runs of cover images from Amazing Stories, Astonishing Stories and Weird Tales, with bonus pages devoted to the short-lived Marvel sci-fi mags, and even shorter-lived South Sea Stories

The 8 1/2 x 11" book features over 600 cover pics, all in color, on good quality matte white paper. Most are four to a page, while many of special interest or beauty get the full-page treatment. Todd has also provided brief histories of each magazine, plus notes on the history and collecting of pulps. Here are two actual photos of the book in action in the hands of an actual pulp collector (me):

86 of the book's 197 pages are devoted to Amazing Stories, and another 86 to Weird Tales, a tribute to the long life of those two titles. Astonishing lasted only fifteen issues, but they're all here, along with all of the various Marvel titles and the five issues of South Sea Stories. Following are some sample scans for your viewing pleasure. You can snare your own copy at  

Amazing! Astonishing! Weird! (and Todd's other books) are available HERE!


  1. Does he provide artist credits, where known? If not, I'll pass.

  2. No artist credits, Art. Good to see you're no longer Anonymous. Next thing you know you'll have your own blog.
