Thursday, May 25, 2017

The SEQUEL to the MALTESE FALCON: "The Kandy Tooth" starring Howard Duff (1948)

This broadcast of Suspense from January 1948, featuring the return of Caspar Gutman and Joel Cairo, is especially cool because it's introduced by my favorite screen Marlowe, Robert Montgomery. The story reportedly first aired in two parts in late 1946 on The Adventures of Sam Spade program, but I've seen no sign those episodes are circulating. 

The title has been variously listed as Kandy, Kandi, Khandi, and even Candy. Until yesterday, I was in the Kandi camp, because Sam mentions India, and there's a real Indian city named Kandi. But a little late night googling hipped me to the fact there's a city of Kandy in Sri Lanka (which until 1972 was called Ceylon, the "province" mentioned in Effie's encyclopedia), just off the southern tip of India, where the tooth of Buddha still resides in the Temple of the Tooth. So now I know. The Kandy Tooth, it is. Listen . . .

Howard Duff as Sam Spade

And while we're listening, let's offer a quick salute to the second sequel to the Falcon, from 1975 . . .


  1. Apropos of nothing, I sponsored a foster child in Sri Lanka many years ago.

  2. Here's your chance for payback. Tell him/her to steal you the Tooth of Buddha.
