Sunday, October 15, 2017

Western Round-up: John Wayne as "Singing Sandy"

Bust out the popcorn, folks, because by special request of rootin' tootin' Cap'n Bob Napier, we are proud to present the one and only adventure of John Wayne as "Singing Sandy." The Cap'n is sure to be joining in, so if you cock an ear toward Tacoma, WA, you'll likely hear him crooning.


Can't get enough of the Duke's lip-syncing? Here's a collection of his other attempts.


  1. Don't blame me. I saw a Singing Sandy movie many years ago and it was physically painful to me. There's no way I requested this travesty. Methinks Dave is having his little joke, no?

  2. No joke. Here's the evidence:

  3. Under the heading of "Things one can't imagine the Duke doing" -- One of my cherished memories is sitting in a theater in Viersen, Germany, watching "The Undefeated" dubbed in German.

  4. Obviously an ironic remark, Dr. Spin.
