Wednesday, February 7, 2018

BILL CRIDER goes to BOUCHERCON Part 8 (2003)

All Photos from the Arthur C. Scott Archives

2003 - Las Vegas

Slouching towards Vegas

watching George Kelley eat breakfast

with Steve Stilwell, Walter Satterthwait and Steve Mertz

Good thing this is Nevada. He'd be shot packing a "murse" in Texas.

Bill hides behind the curtain, eavesdropping on Richard Moore, Katie Derie and Rick Robinson

with Jeff Meyerson

with Frank Denton and Richard Moore

with Thom Walls

with Steve Stilwell and Marv Lachman

with Ann Smith and Richard Moore

with Tina Karelson (aka Cardiac Nurse) and Steve Mertz

with Judy and Steve Stilwell

with Jeff Smith

Rick Robinson and Frank Denton wonder where Bill has disappeared to

meanwhile, Bill wonders why there haven't been any pictures of Cap'n Bob, Linda and his girls . . . 

. . . and presto! they appear!
(Don Sandstrom's daughter Karen Muir talks with Bob's wife Linda, while Bob talks with Beth Fedyn)

Thanks again to Art and Bob, with extra assistance from S Stilwell, B Taylor and M Mason


  1. Amazing that there were no pix of me, Linda, and my girls.

  2. You sure? I could swear I saw you folks in one of those pictures.

  3. I appreciate your engaging series on Bill Crider's journey to Bouchercon in 2003. It's a wonderful tribute to a talented author. By the way, if you're interested in finding more about books and literary events, you might want to check out "". It could be a valuable resource for book enthusiasts like us. Thank you for sharing this insightful series!
