Thursday, October 4, 2018

Your SUPERMEN OF AMERICA Membership Kit. Join Today!


  1. I joined the Supermen of America club in the early fifties and if I remember correctly it included the pinback, letter and membership card. I even joined the Archie group and got a pinback and a membership card. A memorable and exciting moment for me as a ten year boy was the day that my Space Patrol membership kit and my Captain Marvel Club membership arrived the same day in the mail! I kept all these membership cards and a Tom Corbett one also in a special wallet that went with me everywhere. One of the saddest days in my young life is when that wallet went through the wash.

  2. It’s amazing all these items survived.

  3. I was one of those Supermen, too. And I remember joining The Three Stooges All American Fan Club, but missed out on those others. Not a one of my items survived.

  4. Also in that special wallet was the deed to my square-inch of land in the Klondike.
