Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bud Wattles and his Orchestra finish up THEMES FROM THE HIP

The last four tracks of this 1959 LP for you gunslingin' daddy-os. The first two batches are HERE


  1. I have no recollection of Black Saddle, nor do I much like the theme.

  2. Rick, you can see Black Saddle on YouTube and it isn't bad. Peter Breck plays an ex-gunman-turned-lawyer and Russel Johnson the sheriff who doesn't believe in Breck's desire to reform. Also, they are romantic rivals over Anna Lisa, the hotel operator.

    Breck went on to play Nick Barkley in The Big Valley and Johnson became The Professor on Gilligan's Island.

  3. Oh, and Bud Wattles should have been destroyed at birth.

  4. Bud must have been in the bathroom whenever the Lone Ranger was on, but his other stuff doesn't suck.
