Thursday, December 5, 2019

GENE AUTRY Big Little Books

1 comment:

  1. My Dad was an antique dealer and I grew up reading the Big Little Books and was a big fan of Gene Autry. My Dad had "Special Ranger" and I remember reading that one and flipping the pages to see the mini-film in the upper right hand corner (which my Dad hated me doing - he thought I would ruin the value of the book).

    So, I raised my boys on Gene Autry - we watched the films and they read some of the books. The Phantom Empire serial both scared them and thrilled them.

    Quick story: we were in the bathroom at Cracker Barrel around 2002, my oldest was 7. A Gene Autry song came on and my son said, "Hey Dad, that's Gene Autry." The old guy in his 80s next to us did a double-take at my son and said, "Son, how in the world do you know Gene Autry?"

