Saturday, June 13, 2020

NERO WOLFE Comic Strip - Weeks 56 & 57 - Another Case Solved! (1957-58)

In an odd break with tradition, teasers for the next adventure begin a couple of days before this one ends. This one even carried over into Monday of the next week (at bottom). But don't worry yourself about remembering it all. I'll repost the relevant panels before the next story begins in earnest. 

Next Saturday: Another Sunday adventure


  1. I realize the sequence depicts, maybe, 30 or 40 minutes of time in the lives of the characters. I know Wolfe wasn't a complete recluse and stepped out occasionally, but when I consider this sequence would have spanned several days of newspapers, I would generate the impression that Nero Wolfe was a two-fisted detective ready to visit the scene of the crime.

    Or did the strip downplay the recluse angle somewhat?

  2. In the fifteen months of the strip, Wolfe did NOT go jogging, waterskiing or bungee jumping. He did not ride a motorcycle or a surfboard, and did not ride in a submarine or a rocket ship. Aside from that, though, all bets were off.
