Tuesday, September 1, 2020

A Lost Nero Wolfe Novel? You be the judge.

Back when the '80s were young I was a member in relatively good standing of the legendary mystery apa, DAPA-EM (a fiendishly clever acronym for Elementary, My Dear Amateur Press Association). The way it worked was that every couple of months thirty-odd (or thirty odd) people would print thirty-odd copies of their own fanzines and mail them off to the Official Editor, in this case Art Scott, (aka the Emperor of the Universe). Art would collate the zines, staple them into two or three volumes and mail them back to the members. Think of it as an extremely low-tech, and extremely slow, form of blogging. A wise-guy member once defined DAPA-EM as "sort of a cross between a religion and a disease." He was right.

Anyway, my contribution to the 45th mailing, in March of '82, was this 6-page zine called Fast One, in which I discuss the possibility of a lost adventure of Nero Wolfe. Incredible? Read it and see. This piece was also reprinted in the July/August (Vol. 6 No. 4) issue of The Mystery Fancier, which, to my utter astonishment, is now available as a POD book from Wildside Press. Hey Wildside, where are my royalties?

1 comment:

  1. The photograph of Tod Hunter appears to be that of Robert Reeves - see your pages in 2010 re No Love Lost
