Tuesday, February 15, 2022

GRAHAM INGELS (??) and "The Rise and Fall of Blackie Archer" (1949)

Every source I've found on the 'net credits Graham Ingels for pencils and inks on this story, but I find that pretty hard to swallow. Yeah, that's him on page 1 panel 2, page 2 panel 1, and all of page 4, but the rrest of it looks more like Harry Harrison with both of his eyes closed. I haven't seen the finished product to compare it, so maybe it came out okay in the end. Maybe it was a rush job, and this silverprint (the printer's color guide) had to be prepared while most pages were still in the rough pencil stage. Maybe. If anyone has a copy of War Against Crime #8 or one of the reprints, I'd be mighty curious to see a photo of page 5, 6 or 7 to see what the finished product looked like. delewis1@hotmail.com!


  1. The cowboys seem oddly out of place.

  2. You're right, Cap'n. Those pesky cowboys didn't belong there. The correct page 4 is now in place.
