Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Until now, my familiarity with the Cthulhu Mythos was
limited to the 1930s. Having read all the important works of H.P. Lovecraft and
his friends Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith, I saw all this Cthulhu
business as a thing of the past.
I was wrong. Apparently, this Mythos has been gathering
steam ever since, and an ever-growing legion of writers have chronicled the
presence of Cthulhu and the Old Ones in the modern world. That long list of
writers includes such names as Harlan Ellison, Stephen King, Robert Bloch, Fritz
Leiber, Brian Stableford, Philip Jose Farmer and . . . Will Murray.
The stories in this volume bring those ancient beings
out of Lovecraft’s fevered dreams and into our own reality, where they are
still very much to be feared. Several tales involve a government organization
called the National Reconnaissance Office (Murray’s own creation), tasked with
dealing with those bad boys…or trying to. When NRO agents go out on
assignment, they’re given one-way tickets because so few return.
These stories take us all over the globe:
A science station in Antarctica. A musty museum in Rhode Island. International
waters off the coasts of Japan and Korea. Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts.
The Rock of Gibraltar, Washington D.C., the Arctic Circle, and all the way to the
Dark Upper Reaches accessible only through remote viewing.
There are no happy endings here. Mankind and/or the
earth is obliterated no fewer than four times over the course of these ten
stories. But it’s a lot of fun seeing how it happens, how we puny earthlings
struggle to deal with it, and how the author ties it all in with Lovecraft’s
The SCARY part of all this is the author himself. To
the world at large, Will Murray is known as a multi-talented author, able to
relate the adventures of Doc Savage, Tarzan, The Spider, the Destroyer,
Sherlock Holmes and other heroes with equal dexterity. Until now, I considered
him merely an extremely talented human being. Now I’m not so sure.
By his own admission, Murray moonlights as a
professional medium, is a trained remote viewer, a cartomancer, and claims “other arcane
accomplishments.” Along with such subjects as astronomy, archaeology, art,
sound waves, global warming and viruses (both computer and biological), the
stories in this book display a fearful knowledge of such esoteric matters as astral
projection, the zodiac, tarot, cartomancy, psychic abilities, post-mortem
contact, and, of course, the Necronomicon.
So I have to wonder. If truly human, might Mr. Murray
be a descendant of that dreaded tome’s author, Abdul Alharzed, with a moldy copy hidden under his
bed? Or is he something more—an earthly agent of Shub-Niggurath, Nyarlahotep,
or even one of the mysterious spawn of Cthulhu? This would explain his uncanny
abilities as a writer, but the ramifications are almost to terrifying to
Just to be on the safe side (and for 217 pages of creepy fun), I suggest to purchase a copy of this book immediately. Because if you don't Murray's All-Seeing Eye will know.