Monday, October 4, 2010


A brand-spanking-new story over at the Internet mag Tales of the Zombie Wars features the grisly handiwork of Kassandra Kelly, who was last seen tingling spines at Spinetingler Magazine. The flesh-eating horrors in Kassandra's tale, "ValkYra of the Damned," are not your traditional zombies, they 're a new breed of nightstalker called the Demented, and you won't want to miss the ruckus that ensues when stop into the Hamburger Palace for a snack. To check out the story, click HERE.

Links to more stories by Kassandra Kelly:
Spinetingler: The Red Tent
Sniplits: The Blesser
On the Premises: The Moon Dreams of Water
Reflection's Edge: Nine- or Ten-Foot Angels
Madison, After: Beadie and the Blesser
clonepod: The Cat, The Desert and Lucky .003
The Future Fire: The Cat, The Desert and Lucky .003


Deka Black said...

More zombies. They keep following me. ¡Help!

Charles Gramlich said...

Will do. I've got an idea for a zombie story with a twist. I've gotta get time to write it.

Richard R. said...

Zombies, vampires, werewolves, on and on. What we really need (anyone listening?) is a series of detective novels in which the P.I. is the HUNCHBACK OF NOTREDAME! Good old Quasimodo, bet he could sure hunt down the killers and bring them to justice! Or maybe toss them from a high place...

David Cranmer said...

I love a good zombie story.

Kassandra said...

No one mentioned money to me when Tales of the Zombie War took ValkYra of the Damned. But they posted it very quickly and they are most certainly looking for more stories. There's a million zombies in the naked city...